2020: The ups and downs and merry-go-rounds
What a year so far! I think it is fair to say for all of us that this has been a year to remember, or perhaps to forget.
At one point I admit to feeling a little shellshocked as to how quickly we had to change to survive. A fantastic start to the year left flailing in the tailwind of a global pandemic and a global economic kamikaze into total lockdowns. Whichever way you look at it, 2020 is a year that has had a major impact on all of us of which I believe has left us stronger, more flexible as well as more adaptable both in our personal and business lives.
We were some of the fortunate ones. By luck or divine strategy, we managed to persevere through the pandemic and to today with minimal impact to our organisation. There have been changes, sure, as there has been for every business but by comparison, we have been relatively unscathed and cruising into Q4 on record profits. That feeling of shellshock now quiet confidence, knowing that despite everything that has happened our clients still need us. Perhaps now more than ever as they try to secure talent that can steer them through this difficult period and give them an advantage in a fiercely competitive market. I also have confidence that despite different policies from country-to-country, it seems that the Energy Transition refuses to put on the breaks. As a species, and as an industry we are determined more than ever to create a better, more sustainable planet for our children.
We also have some announcements to make. Over the last year, IE has been refining our service model and we are in the coming days about to release our new services to clients of which we believe will be one of the most comprehensive, and offering the best ROI within the Nordic market. We are combining this with the release of our rebrand and new website of which we believe really demonstrates who we are as a business, our culture, values and more.

Simon Evans-Jones heads up our Nordic branch with HQ in Helsinki, Finland.
Reach out to him at Simon@intelligentemployment.com